
Cities can be designed to make it easy for everyone to live a healthy life. We craft plans and policies that maximize health, happiness, and inclusion. Our planning process combines best practices with engagement, ensuring that outcomes support well-being for diverse community members.


Our team specializes in inclusive community engagement, ensuring that planning decisions involve and respect less-heard voices. We offer a range of traditional and innovative engagement activities such as community pop-ups, co-creation, surveys, and focus groups.

Small Business Support

Our team will provide smart start kits to ensure all businesses are equipped with the resources they need to be successful and thrive.

Downtown Revitilization

Our goal is to help communities create vibrant, sustainable, safe, walk-able, and economically healthy downtown areas that attract residents, businesses, and visitors.

Housing Development

The crises of attainable housing can be solved together. We work with municipalities, developers, and non-profit housing providers to enable housing for people of all ages, incomes, and backgrounds.

Help us change the face of Rural Communities!

Invest in CALHOL

As an investor, you will be entitled to several benefits, including participation in our marketing efforts, invitations to our regional events and celebrations, an opportunity to serve on our board of directors, and much more. Please see our Investor Levels with a complete list of benefits available below. To become an investor and receive more information about our mission, please email or call us at 803-571-5818 or Jana.Myers@calhol.org.

  • Link on CALHOL’s website
  • Access to our Press Releases
  • Circulated on all of CALHOL’s social media outlets
  • Invitation to our events
  • Recognition in our annual report
  • Link on CALHOL’s website
  • Access to CALHOL’s Press Releases and Announcements
  • Circulated on all of CALHOL’s social media outlets
  • Rotating spotlight on CALHOL’s website
  • Consideration for future CALHOL board membership
  • Invitation to CALHOL events and Board Meetings
  • Recognition in CALHOL’s annual report
  • Invitation to investor events
  • Link on CALHOL’s website
  • Access to CALHOL’s Press Releases and Announcements
  • E-blast featuring your company sent to CALHOL’s mailing list
  • Circulated on all of CALHOL’s social media outlets
  • Rotating spotlight on CALHOL’s website
  • Consideration for CALHOL board membership
  • Priority for CALHOL events (hosting, sponsoring and participation)
  • Consideration to participate in CALHOL marketing trips and missions
  • Invitation to CALHOL events and Board Meetings
  • Inclusion in events for completion and implementation of projects
  • Recognition in CALHOL’s annual report
  • Invitation to investor events
  • Rotating spotlight in CALHOL’s Region News Prints



Jana Myers, President and CEO

Board Member

Hilary Hindman, Board Chair, Director of Community Engagement and Recreation, Barnwell County

Board Member

Shon Crawford, Board VP Chair, Executive Director, DIG

Board Member

Ahmad Mikell, founder of S. A. Mikell and Company

Board Member

Alicia Davis, Board Secretary, City of Barnwell Councilmember

Board Member

Judy Taylor, Board Treasurer, Town of Williston Councilmember

Board Member

Marlon Creech, Town of Allendale Councilmember